Monday, May 6, 2013

Making Girlfriends

By far the hardest part of moving to a new city is meeting new people, especially when you only know a handful of people there to begin with. But even more difficult than that, is meeting girls you could actually see yourself being friends with. Girls my age are so much more intimidating than anyone else. I completely clam up!

I've always been so impressed by my best friend who lives in Houston and makes friends everywhere she goes. She let me in on a few of her best tricks on how she always manages to keep her social life bubbling even when she's the new girl.

1. Use the people you do know to meet more people you may want to know. Chances are, you're going to get along with at least a couple of their other friends.

2. Once you meet a girl you have a fun connection with, give them a sincere compliment. Ask where she got her blouse or comment on a funny story she tells. Starting a conversation can be hard but someone's got to get the ball rolling.

3. Be the first to suggest another outing. Ask for her phone number and if she'd like to get coffee sometime soon. Lady date!

4. My friend's most successful technique is to join dating sites, which allows her to not only go on tons of fun, casual dates with great guys, but also to meet all of his friends at group outings. Rather than finding more guys to date at these events, she concentrates on the girls and makes weekend plans with them. What a smart way to branch out!

Not being a single lady, this last option is off the table for me. But the next challenge I'm assigning to myself is to join the local adult soccer league I've been thinking about. Kind of scary to jump in alone, but I've got to start somewhere!

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